Arab Media Monitoring Still Matters
With the advancement of digital technologies, there has been a heavy shift towards automation in the area of Arab media monitoring.
Many companies and service providers now solely rely on the collection and analysis of a sizeable amount of information and data through a variety of tools such as text analysis platforms, NLP, and ORC.
However, the question is: how accurate and representative could an assessment of a certain topic discussed in Arabic-language media based purely on digital technology be?
For starters, Arabic is a highly complex language that is rife with subtleties and nuanced meanings. Indeed, some native Arabic speakers would sometimes be confused as to what a sentence, a phrase, or even an expression actually means.
It is not always easy to decipher the subtext and implicit connotations in Arabic-language articles.
If that could be the case with a native Arabic speaker, what would be the chances of a machine – with no human brain – going through an Arabic-language text and deeply understanding the intended meaning?
There is no denying that advances in technology have made it easier to amalgamate a huge amount of information in no time – regardless of the shape and form the information is provided in. This could be a news article on a newspaper’s website, a commentary on a website, or user-generated content disseminated via social media ad networking sites such as Facebook and X.
However, making sense of the data collected, piecing together distinct and diverse information, tying up loose ends, and identifying themes continues to be the job of human brains, especially as far as the Arabic language is concerned.
At the Arab Media Insight, we follow a reasonable and balanced approach, and offer our clients the best of both worlds.
While we use automated tools in the search and collection of relevant information, we importantly complement this with manual search to double check and make sure nothing has slipped our net.
More importantly, we use human media analysts and professionals to sift carefully through the information and data gathered from the Arab media to produce evidence-based assessments and conclusions.
If you are a company, a think tank, or an institution and would like a thorough piece of research on a certain topic covered by Arab media outlets or discussed in the Arab social media sphere, you have come to the right place. We provide a sterling Arab media monitoring and analysis service delivered by highly qualified and experienced media monitors and analysts. Get in touch with us today to discuss your project in detail.
Arab Media Insight (AMI) is an Egyptian-based service offering comprehensive media monitoring, analysis, and reporting services across the Arabic-speaking world.
To know more about us and our services, you can visit our website: